Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Five Reasons to Consider a Women's College

Last week the President of Simmons College, Helen Drinan, blogged about the 5 reasons to consider a women’s college.

I enjoyed her blog post as well as many of the comments including:

As a "non-traditional" student who graduated from Russell Sage College for Women I can tell you that not only is a college for women a good choice for recent high school graduates, but also for women who are attending college later in life. It was a great experience to learn along side younger women who were focused on their studies and leadership roles throughout the college. In addition, I often found myself as a mentor and role model to the younger women. The spirit at a women's college is not one of "We can do it," it is a spirit of "We WILL do it."”

My four years at Agnes Scott College were the best and most constructive years of my life. Everyone I knew there was thoughtful, smart, compassionate, and involved. The classes were hard - every course is taught at honors level. The faculty were the perfect combination of tough and caring. While I would never force her to, I hope my future daughters consider a women's college, too.

I am a graduate of Scripps College (The Women's College at Claremont) and I am incredibly grateful for the education and intellectual identity I received there. I was raised by my dad and I always felt more comfortable around men--girl code was a mystery to me (think Lindsey Lohan, pre-plastics in Mean Girls) -- until I went to a women's college. It created an environment of sisterhood rather than the competitive one I had previously encountered in an all women's sports environment.

There is no hiding from leadership responsibilities-- women must lead, speak up, and are expected to, another big difference from the "real" world. (If anything, the "real" world still isn't ready for women's college grads!) I loved that I was at Claremont and part of a consortium that was co-ed and would definitely recommend that other young women consider a similar arrangement (think Western Mass, Wellesley-Harvard, Mills in San Fran, etc.) where you can take classes in an all-women's setting or cross-register at co-ed campuses. In regards to achievement post-graduation, I am more than 10 years out and almost all of my college friends have advanced degrees and have attributed their Scripps experience to making them leaders in their respective fields. I can't say enough good things about my experience; I'm grateful that my dad and other adults in my life encouraged me to consider a women's college (and in particular, Scripps!!).

"I wouldn't trade my experience at Converse College for anything. I only considered it primarily because they offered me a full-tuition scholarship, but my visit to the campus cemented it for me. Warm, cozy, and supportive. I went from that little school in SC to Columbia University in NYC where I got my MSW, and I am quite successful in my career track. I came in as a timid, insecure young woman and graduated an outspoken, confident leader.

Women's colleges have much to offer! Find out for yourself if they are a perfect match for YOU! Schedule a campus visit with several women's colleges today!

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