Friday, March 20, 2015

Naming Your Company with Your Alma Mater In Mind

The other day I came across an article published in The New York TimesCouple Gives Wellesley a Record $25 Million on April 16, 2000.

In the article I learned of the very generous donation from an alumna, Lulu Wang and her husband to her Alma mater, Wellesley College.

Here's the part I found most interesting:

Lulu Wang is the founder of Tupelo Capital Management, a name chosen tongue-in-cheek with reference to one of Wellesley's more girlish traditions. School legend has it that women must walk their ''young men'' around the school's large lake three times. If by the third loop he has not proposed marriage, she is allowed -- and encouraged -- to push him into the lake at the point on the shore where the tupelo tree stands.

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