Friday, October 17, 2014

Love Found in Letters: Summer Camp and Women's Colleges

I enjoyed Abigail Rae's recent blog post, "Love Found in Letters: Summer Camp and Women's Colleges" highlights include:

"I have always said that joining Douglass Residential College was one of the best decisions of my college career (among those including giving up smoking, deciding to not skip that midterm, and getting wine-drunk and gathering the courage to Facebook Chat a cute guy who I know now as the love of my life). Initially, I wasn't interested.    . . . Douglass provided me with the best of memories, of experiences, of inspiration. Seeing women in leadership grow and mentor within the confines of the college made me so proud to call myself an alumna. Sitting at graduation among women who inspired me every day to keep going, to put the Douglass Difference out into the world was one of the most satisfying experiences in college. I met my sisters at Douglass. I met my boyfriend on its campus. I had incredible internships and learned valuable life lessons under its tutelage. And I wasn’t the star of the campus, but I gained enough recognition that I can Google myself and see our names associated."

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